
All of the Emergency Medicine Residents
Not only are every single one of the EM Residents on the front line, but they were thrown a major curve ball while both Barnes and WashU sorted out how to handle doctors who came in contact with suspected COVID-19 patients and staff. This resulted in nearly half of the residency being out on quarantine, furlough, or "work from home" status for some time. The EM residents banded together, with the Chiefs spending innumerable hours filling the gaps (all remotely) in a unified effort to continue to staff the ED. When asked if they were willing to see COVID patients after it became apparent that this was unavoidable in the ED, 100% answered yes! This speaks to the character and compassion of our residents.
My gratitude to the WashU EM Family!
jason wagner

Dear OB/GYN Residents and Fellows
You are phenomenal and empathetic clinicians and human beings--I absolutely love working with you! These times are difficult and I fully realize that it's difficult to address the needs of others when you may feel like your own personal needs are not fully met. Please know that we recognize and appreciate the high-quality, evidence-based care you're providing for our patients, we are here for you, and we are waging this battle together.
Warm Regards,
Ebony Carter, MD, MPH
MFM Attending

Dr Sahar El Hayek and Dr Jenna Nofziger
Have lead the effort within Emergency Medicine to encourage and provide space, opportunities for wellness during this pandemic. They have taken time out of their busy lives to create and nurture a recurring weekly Zoom check in (Together Apart). Dr El Hayek's efforts have brought together over 50 residents, faculty and alumni every Saturday afternoon. Dr Nofziger has sent out emails to the residents and faculty with reminders, suggested apps, stories about resiliency, self care and the importance of looking out for and supporting our colleagues.

Gratitude for Victoria Levasseur
Dr. Victoria Levasseur is the Wellness Chief of the Neurology residency. She's hitting us residents with double the kudos, (socially-distanced) events, and info about mental health resources. We are grateful for her work.

Recognizing Dr. Drew Hensel
I would like to recognize Dr. Drew Hensel, PG1 Ob/Gyn at Barnes Hospital. He is intelligent, compassionate, devoted and always helpful from his fellow residents as well as nursing and ancillary staff. He has a tremendous bedside manner and truly cares about his patients, coworkers and people in general. He is the epitome of his profession and spreads joy , cheer and generosity to all he encounters. My name is Debbie Bradford RN but I know I speak for the entire staff of Women’s Assessment Center.

Recognizing Dr. Randall Brenneman
I wanted to recognize Dr. Randall Brenneman, the assistant chief resident of the Radiation Oncology training program.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic began to impact our residency, he has worked tirelessly to create a modified rotation schedule that minimizes risk to my co-residents and other staff, while allowing us continue to give the best care to our patients. This is a complex task given that our we treat patients at several satellite facilities. He is responsive to any concerns we have. He continues to work with our program director (who also deserves a shout-out for caring for our wellbeing) and other clinical faculty to make changes as necessary. He sends timely emails about updates to our clinical workflow and pertinent summaries of other leadership meetings.
Often times, I think the work of a chief resident can seem thankless and taken for granted by others. On top of his other clinical, research, and personal obligations, he has risen to the challenges presented at an unprecedented time. I want him to know that his hard work and has not gone unnoticed.

Recognizing Kathy Stroud
In all the craziness of the pandemic response, Kathy Stroud has continued to keep our Peds CCM fellowship program moving forward. She has been coordinating all the logistics of the program from home, from coordinating all the Zoom meetings to helping ensure ACGME requirements will be met for our graduating fellows to developing contingency plans for incoming fellow orientation. Just as importantly, she has been taking the time to send short, but impactful, messages checking in with both fellow program leadership as well as the individual fellows. She has truly been a "behind the scenes" hero!