GME Wellness offers educational sessions on a variety of topics to help promote well-being for your trainees. These sessions can be for either your trainees or as part of faculty development. To facilitate scheduling of a session, please fill out the request form with as much specific information as possible. 

Please note, we do not offer talks on sleep deprivation and fatigue mitigation – for this topic, please refer to the fatigue resource documents. We recommend this topic as an open discussion with your trainees utilizing these resource documents to guide the discussion.

Sessions must be requested with at least 4 weeks advanced notice.

Session topics include (please note, this list will be expanding over time)

  • Introduction to GME Wellness (transitions, self-compassion, and other coping skills + resource information)
  • Cultivating Joy
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Coping after adverse events
  • Coping with grief
  • Well-being centered leadership
  • Meaning Making Through Art (Engage in expressive arts to gain  perspective on your personal and professional goals. You don’t have to be an artist to benefit from creativity.  Staff Therapist Lisa Thompson-Gibson is available to facilitate a group that is less “talk” and more individual reflection through the use of art materials.) 
  • Facilitated discussion (Opportunity for trainees to discuss current stressors and explore ideas for adaptive coping in a confidential setting. In order to facilitate sharing, we recommend that these discussions be in-person and that groups be limited to 10-12 individuals. Protected time for 45-minutes to 1-hour is encouraged.)
  • Other (please specify your request in the free text box, examples might include dealing with imposter phenomenon, shame, grief etc…)