Regulations for Safety Transportation
In compliance with ACGME’s Institutional Requirement III.B.7.d).(3) which states, “The Sponsoring Institution must ensure a healthy and safe clinical and educational environment that provides for safe transportation options for residents/fellows who may be too fatigued to safely return home on their own.”, the Washington University/BJH/SLCH GME Consortium provides safe transportation home via use of Ride Share services.
The safe transportation home process allows rides from participating clinical sites to trainee’s home address of record in the GME’s New Innovations system. This process also allows for a return ride from your home address of record back to the originating hospital site to retrieve your vehicle
Please observe the following guidelines when using this process for safe transportation home.
- GME will monitor usage and review reimbursement requests. As a reminder – this process is to be used when you are too tired to drive safely home after a shift.
- It should not be used for daily commute, car repairs, or any other reasons
- Initial ride must derive from any BJH/WU/SLCH training site.
- Round trips back to the training site so you can retrieve your vehicle will be reimbursed.
- The process permits a 0.25 mile radius to allow those who parked a distance away from campus.
- You should not have the ride share make personal stops for anything other than home drop off.
- Moonlighting shifts do not qualify for this process
- All Work Hours must be up to date in New Innovations before reimbursement will be processed.
- Upgraded rideshares will not be covered; tips above 20% will not be covered.
- Failure to comply will result in no reimbursement of charges.
- Submitted reimbursements will be shared with your Program Director and Program Coordinator