Program Letter of Agreement

An educational agreement between a GME program and the Participating Site where a recurrent, standing rotation is located.

Any location off the Kingshighway campus requires a PLA including FPP locations.

Programs must confirm IIAA eligibility to initiate a PLA.

IIAA: Inter-Institutional Affiliation Agreement

These legally binding agreements are solely initiated and managed by the WashU/BJH/SLCH GME Consortium.

Site Director Responsibilities

Ensure the appropriate labeling of the GME Consortium.

Coordinate with program leadership on required business processes and GME processes.

Upload fully executed agreement in New Innovations.

GMEC Approval for Participating Sites

Please note obtaining all proper paperwork for a new site may take minimally 1 year.

The Graduate Medical Education Committee is required to oversee the request to add or delete a participating site for ACGME Accredited Programs. Please note approval by the GME Office and GMEC is required prior to starting a new rotation.