Trainees who wish to engage Global Health Elective Rotations must work with their programs to apply via the GME Qualtrics form. Submission of this form does not constitute approval. Do not arrange travel prior to receiving approval. Please email with questions.


Global Health Electives are hands off only.

GME approval and the application is only good for the current experience and academic year.

Application Freeze

Internal trainee applications will not be reviewed or processed from June 14th- August 12th 2024 by the GME Office.

Required Documents for GME Approval Form:

  • ACGME Educational Rationale
  • Visa (if applicable)
  • Site Contact (in host country)
    • Name, Title, Email
  • Global Health Site
    • Name of hospital/clinic, Country, City, Address
  • PD Endorsement Form
    • RRC/Subspecialty (Board approval if required)