Time is a valuable and finite commodity. With limited personal free time available, it’s important for you to consider how that time is spent and how that impacts your wellness. While there are some tasks that only you can do, a number of things can be outsourced to simplify your life and allocate more time to the things that promote your wellness.

Consider the following when deciding whether or not to outsource:

  • How much is your time worth? Outsource tasks that are “cheaper” than the time it would take you to complete the task.
  • Outsource the tasks that you dread and procrastinate. The distress associated with tasks that loom on the horizon may be easily resolved by passing it onto someone else.
  • Keep the tasks that you enjoy. If you love cooking, for example, find ways to be engaged and present so that you enjoy the process.

Below is a list of tasks that are commonly outsourced. Please note that GME has not screened and does not endorse any of these vendors. Please use your discretion when purchasing goods or services from these resources.

Assistance with Projects

Laundry Services

Cleaning Services