GMEC is the responsible committee with oversight and authority for all graduate medical education programs within our consortium.

This includes the following:

GMEC Oversight for Programmatic Changes

  • ACGME. (2021). ACGME Institutional Requirements.
    • I.B.4.b).(4) applications for ACGME accreditation of new programs
    • I.B.4.b).(5) requests for permanent changes in resident/fellow complement
    • I.B.4.b).(7) additions and deletions of each of its ACGME-accredited programs’ participating sites
    • I.B.4.b).(8) appointment of new program directors
    • I.B.4.b).(12) voluntary withdrawal of ACGME program accreditation or recognition
    • I.B.4.b).(15) exceptionally qualified candidates for resident/fellow appointments who do not satisfy the Sponsoring Institutions’ resident/fellow eligibility policy and/or resident/fellow eligibility requirements in the Common Program Requirements.
  • ACGME. (2022). Non-Standard Training Programs.
    • I.D.1. The GMEC must review and approve the program description of each NST program within the Sponsoring Institution
    • I.D.2. The GMEC must review and approve the appointment of each of its NST program directors


GMEC meeting dates, deadlines and recordings.


Non-standard training information and resources.


GMEC Program Change Requests Forms.